
Irelis Bignotte-Giró Ansel Fong G.


The Southeastern Cuban cactus scrub scrub is an ecoregion associated with dry coastal climates, dispersed in strips and patches that in total extent by less than 3000 km2. Its conservation status is classified as "Vulnerable" and nature is considered imperiled in its territory, so it is essential to update the knowledge of its biodiversity to contribute to its preservation. This study presents the inventory of the amphibians and reptiles of this ecoregion in the southeastern coast of the island, based on the review of literature and collections, as well as field sampling at different sites between 2015 and 2022. Visual encounters surveys with active search of the animals were used as sampling methodology, carrying out diurnal and nocturnal, and visual and auditory sampling. Nine species of amphibians and 61 species of reptiles were recorded, with a predominance of the families Eleutherodactylidae and Anolidae, and the genera Eleutherodactylus and Anolis. Endemism is high, with 77.8% in amphibians and 78.7% in reptiles, and 22 species known only from the ecoregion. Three amphibian and 11 reptile species are considered threatened in the IUCN Red List, in addition to five others classified as “Near Threatened”. Twenty-five species were selected as being of greatest conservation concern based on their local endemism and degree of threat, and should receive the highest priority for their preservation in the area. The combination of high specific richness, local endemism and threatened species of the two groups emphasizes the relevance of this ecoregion for Cuban and Caribbean conservation.



Southeastern Cuba, ecoregions, herpetofauna, biological inventories

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How to Cite

Bignotte-Giró, I., & Fong G., A. (2024). Amphibians and reptiles of the Southeastern Cuban cactus scrub. Novitates Caribaea, (24), 55–65. https://doi.org/10.33800/nc.vi24.357

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