Taxonomic list of the butterflies (Insecta: Lepidoptera) from Cupeyal del Norte sector, Alejandro de Humboldt National Park, Holguín-Guantánamo, Cuba
Based on a field trip, from June 11 to 17, 2019, study of three publications and review of entomological collections (Lepidoptera) of the National Museum of Natural History of Cuba and the Institute of Ecology and Systematics, a checklist is presented of the butterflies from sector Cupeyal del Norte, Alejandro de Humboldt National Park, Holguín-Guantánamo, Cuba. More than 30 years have passed since the last was published. In the present study, the list of 74 species is published, grouped in 52 genera, five families (except Riodinidae) and 17 subfamilies. From the total of registered species, 65 (87.83 %) were observed and only 9 (12.16 %) were collected in different locations during the visit in June 2019. Thirty-one endemic species of Cuba are identified, of which five are exclusive endemic to Nipe-Sagua-Baracoa. Ten species constitute new locality records, and the known distribution forthe Cupeyal del Norte sector is also extended.
inventory, Lepidoptera, Nipe-Sagua-Baracoa subregion, Cupeyal del Norte sector, Holguín-Guantánamo, Cuba
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