
Enrique Reynaldo de la Cruz David F. Hernández Marrero Jacobo Urbino Rodríguez Roberto Ayra Cedeño


The objective of this study was to determine the diversity of freshwater fish at different times of the year in Resbaladero, Holguin, Cuba. Nine species were recorded in both periods of the year, located in three orders, six families and eight genera. The species with the highest densities at both times of the year are Girardinus denticulatus (9.85 and 5.34 ind/m2) and Gambusia punticulata (9.36 and 6.17 ind/m2), densities corresponding to the dry and rainy season. The site with the highest species richness in both periods was Colorado dam with seven species in dry and six in rainy. Unlike the Urbano Pérez water well with only one species in both periods of the year. In relation to fairness in both periods, the sites with the highest values were Claro Bajo 2 stream and Claro Bajo stream. Colorado dawn was the site with the greatest diversity in both periods, with values of 1.17 and 1.44, respectively. Colorado dam was the place that presented the least number of replacements among species in the dry season with the Los Ninos (1.0) water well and in the rainy season with the Claro Bajo stream (0.75). The gamma diversity allowed to establish that the replacement between species predominates in this set of communities. The similarity analysis made it possible to form three large groups in the dry season and two in the rainy season. The species that contributed the most to the dissimilarity were G. denticulatus, G. punticulata and G. punctata.



ecosystems, ecological indices, periods of the year

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How to Cite

Reynaldo de la Cruz, E. ., Hernández Marrero, D. F., Urbino Rodríguez, J., & Ayra Cedeño, R. (2022). Diversity of freshwater fishes in Resbaladero, Holguin, Cuba. Novitates Caribaea, (19), 43–61. https://doi.org/10.33800/nc.vi19.289

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