
Alexis Suárez Alejandro Fernández


Two new species from the genus Cerion Röding, 1878, are described, one of them from the coastal zone of Punta de Guanos, at Matanzas province, and the other from La Raya Cay, Holguín province. These report increase in 18 the number of taxons described for Matanzas and 43 the described for Holguín, raising to 158 the total described to Cuba. Cerion irielii sp. nov., from Punta de Guanos, shows as notable characteristics to have a shell of big size in comparison with the majority of those described for the group, and a greater thickness in the last whorl. Cerion maikei sp. nov., from La Raya Cay, has the greater thickness portion of the conch toward the apical base, at the center, besides having a rough to the touch surface, with axial fissures.



Cerion irielii, Cerion maikei, Punta de Guanos, Matanzas, La Raya Cay, Banes Bay, Holguín

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How to Cite

Suárez, A., & Fernández, A. (2022). Description of two new species of Cerion (Mollusca: Pulmonata: Cerionidae) from Cuba. Novitates Caribaea, (19), 62–71. https://doi.org/10.33800/nc.vi19.278

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